Stephanie Plersch Jurt

Yoga teacher

In search of a routine that brings body and mind into harmony and enables me to be more balanced in my sometimes hectic everyday life, I came to Yoga in 2011 through a friend. Curious and unprejudiced, I got involved and have been fascinated ever since by what the simplest movements in combination with conscious breathing have for an interaction on body and mind.

Yoga quickly became my daily companion; I can roll out my mat anywhere, even if it's only for a few minutes. While initially it was mainly the physical-sport aspect that appealed to me, today I understand Yoga as much more than just the sequence of physical exercises.

I regularly practise different types of Yoga and particularly enjoy being inspired by other Yoga teachers on my travels.

I wish for all Yogis and Yoginis to have a similar experience.


Do you have any tips for Yoga newbies?

The beauty of Yoga is that anyone can practise it: old or young, fit or not, with or without previous experience: it can bring body, mind and soul into harmony if you are willing to engage with it. Yoga can be for everyone, everywhere and at any time. Allow yourself a moment of peace away from everyday life and take time just for yourself.


German / English

Educations & Trainings

  • 2021: 60h Advanced Training, LIV lab Luzern (YACEP)
  • 2021: 200h Yoga Teacher Training, LIV lab Luzern (RYS)
  • 2015 to 2020: Studies in economics, FernUni Switzerland
  • 2001 to 2006: Law studies, Universities of Geneva and Zurich